The GAC houses a library consisting of over 2,500 books, newspapers, magazines, and videos, as well as a copy of The Book of Kells. All our books are written by Irish authors. The Library is located on the second floor of the Gaelic-American Club. It is staffed by the volunteers of the GAC Library Committee.
Books are arranged by categories consisting of:
- Religion
- Myths
- Cooking
- Drama
- Biography
- Fiction
There is also a Children’s section containing books on Folklore and Myths.
Lending Policy
Books and videos may be borrowed by GAC Members for up to 3 weeks with the exception of:
- The Field Day Anthology
- Newspapers
- Magazines
Books and videos need to be signed out on the clipboards located on the table at the back of the room. When signing out a book or video, please include the following on the appropriate clipboard:
- Member’s Full Name
- Member’s Telephone Number
- Title/Author/Artist of Book or Video
- Book or Video Number (Located on spine)
- Date item was checked out.
Upon returning an item, please place the item in the Return Basket, enter the date you returned the item on the Check-Out clipboard and draw a SINGLE line through the clipboard entry.
Donation Policy
Donations can be left on the designated shelf in the Library. The Gaelic American Club Library’s collection focuses on Ireland: it’s history, culture, geography, literature and people. We welcome your donations on the previously mentioned topic.
The donated books will be used for years to come so they must be in good condition. Not every book donated meets the specific needs of our library, because of the limitation of our size and the specific focus of our collection.
If we cannot use your donated books or materials in the GAC Library, we will donate the books to another library that has a general collection. If you prefer the books be returned to you, please leave your name and telephone number with the book.