The Gaelic-American Library

The GAC Library houses a collection of over 2,000 books - all volumes about Ireland or written by Irish authors, about the Irish at home and around the world. An exquisite replica of The Book of Kells is also on display.

Nonfiction, reference, fiction, and children’s literature are available for a three week loan to club members. Periodicals are available for reading in the library.  A limited number of DVDs and CDs are available upon request.  A suggestion book is available for members to share ideas about books, improvements, activities etc.


Library Hours

Monday through Thursday

Friday and Saturday, monitored hours 6-9PM

Sunday – closed (Mary Ellen is usually at the Welcome Desk from 4 to 8 PM)

Support Our Library

Volunteers cover books, straighten shelves etc. To volunteer, please contact Mary Ellen Lyons at

Donations of Irish books are accepted. Please place a note with your name in each book so that a bookplate on the inside cover can acknowledge your donation.