Free Workshop Sunday, March 23, 2025 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Deferred or Waitlisted is not denied. Come write persuasive letters!
Award-winning, certified educator Elaine McLaughlin Halliday
Cornell University BS; Fordham Grad School of Education MS; 25+ years fostering students’ bests.
- This Free Writer’s Workshop is open to GAC-member HS Seniors
- Enrollment limited to 30 Gaelic American Club-member HS students.
- Pre-register with Gaelic American Club educator by emailing
- Provide parent’s & student’s names; email addresses; name of HS attending
- Bring personal laptop or a notebook – we’ll be researching & writing letters!
- Read & identify favorite elements of successful letters of continued interest.
During our informative, entertaining, and productive workshop, we will:
- Examine successful letters of initially deferred/waitlisted students that worked!
- Discuss elements that show admissions your sincere interest & unique alignment with their college’s offerings, goals, mission, & community
- Research & draft letters and confer with Elaine 1:1 to revise your drafts
- Review mechanics (punctuation, grammar, etc.) & style mistakes not to make!
Candy will be provided! Enrollment for free workshop limited to
30 pre-registered Class of ‘25 GAC members