Family Fun Night is BACK!
Friday March 28th from 6-9pm with a $7 kids only buffet
Family Fun Night
Family Fun Night is an opportunity for our young families to come down to the club and have some fun and a meal together. Family Fun Night takes place the last Friday of the month from 6-9pm. (except for February) Joe and his staff will provide a ‘kid-friendly’ delicious $7 buffet.
Just a reminder, The buffet is strictly for the kids, parents are asked to order from regular GAC menu – so kids please remember there’s no sharing with the parents!
PLEASE watch your children. Kids are NOT to leave the room without a parent. Toys are NOT to be brought into the Carolan Room from the Reidy (children’s) Room. NO toys or running on the dance floor. Please pick up food spills and help clear your table.
Any questions call Bette Leary at 203-767-0117.
Lets also keep in mind the GUIDELINES for use of the children’s room
Welcome to the GAC’s Children’s Room dedicated in memory of Richard & Vivian Reidy
#1 Room Monitor is NOT a BABYSITTER! Room Monitor is responsible for the contents of the room and safety of the children while in the room. Parents are responsible for their children and guests behavior, whereabouts and use of items in this room. Parents will be notified if any misbehavior or disrespect for the room or others is shown. The parent’s membership may be in jeopardy if behavior is not corrected or use of room is abused.
#2 No Food or Drinks are allowed in this room by children. If an adult chooses to bring in a beverage while watching their children, please make sure it is not left in the room. The monitor is not there to clean up after adults.
#3 If you’d get in trouble at home for doing something, you’ll get in trouble here. This room is a privilege for all children to enjoy and feel at home within the club, but just like any privilege it can be revoked.
Just like on the pitch:
1st = Warning – Parent is notified and child’s name is put in the book.
2nd = Yellow Card – Access to the room is suspended for a period of time.
3rd = Red Card – Parent is required to go before the Executive Committee to explain, suspension or loss of family membership is possible.
Don’t be THAT kid or don’t be THAT parent that feels above the rules!
#4 Common Sense Parenting is expected. Intended for children 13 years and younger. Parents may use discretion as to what age they feel their children are able to be in the room without parent supervision however, under 5 years of age supervision is required.
“Is leathan doras an teachín bhig”
“Wide is the door of the little cottage” – Irish proverb