Irish History | Stair Na Héireann
STAIR NA HÉIREANN | IRISH HISTORY FEBRUARY 2 AT 1:30PM IN THE CAROLAN ROOM Dr. Ian Delahanty discuss “Hibernianism” or “Americanism?” The Irish Origins of Irish-American Anti-Abolitionism. Drawing from portions of his newly released book ‘Embracing Emancipation: A Transatlantic History of Irish Americans, Slavery, and the American Union, 1840-1865’ Dr. Ian Delahanty offers a novel … Continue reading Irish History | Stair Na Héireann
25 Card Game
JOIN US – SUNDAY JANUARY 19TH AROUND NOON (IRISH TIME). How 25 is played: The game of 25 can be played with any number of players, preferably from 5 to 10, not to exceed 10 players. The object of the game is to see who gets 25 first. Each trick is considered 5 points. … Continue reading 25 Card Game
Trivia Night
DECEMBER’S TRIVIA NIGHT WILL START AT 7PM Join us on 12.06.2024 AT 7PM for another fun filled night of trivia. Oh and don’t forget to wear GREEN & RED Trivia Night takes place on the first Friday of the month – and hands down one of the highlights of the GAC’s monthly activities so … Continue reading Trivia Night
Clan na Gael News
Catch up on all Clan na Gael Players Events and maybe even come play with us! History The Clan na Gael Players had a humble beginning in 1987. Cardboard sets, lights in tin cans, folks dragged in from the bar to play a part! Ahh, but the audience enthusiasm towards this raggle-taggle group—that’s what … Continue reading Clan na Gael News
Fairfield Gaelic Pipe Band
The group practices Mondays at 6:30pm in the Carolan Room of the GAC. Lessons also available for all ages and ability levels. For more information, please call Fairfield Gaelic Pipe Band (475)329-0202 or visit
Family Fun Night
Family Fun Night is BACK! Friday March 28th from 6-9pm with a $7 kids only buffet Family Fun Night Family Fun Night is an opportunity for our young families to come down to the club and have some fun and a meal together. Family Fun Night takes place the last Friday of the month from … Continue reading Family Fun Night
Irish Genealogy ~ Fréamh Éireann
Irish Genealogy ~ Fréamh Éireann: Interested in researching your Irish Ancestry? Join us! The second Saturday of each month at 10:30am in the O’Keefe Room. If you have time afterwards, stay for lunch in the pub. Meeting Details: Fréamh Éireann meets in the O’Keefe Room on the second Saturday of each month at 10:30 AM. We … Continue reading Irish Genealogy ~ Fréamh Éireann
GAA Games from Ireland
GAA at the gac Gaelic Football Gaelic Football can be described as a mixture of soccer and rugby, although it predates both of those games. It is a field game which has developed as a distinct game similar to the progression of Australian Rules. Indeed it is thought that Australian Rules evolved from Gaelic … Continue reading GAA Games from Ireland
Irish Dance
The Lenihan School of Irish Dance teaches at the GAC and several other convenient locations and offer instructions for all levels of Irish dance. If you’ve been to any of the festivities at the GAC that include dancers, you would have seen the Lenihan Dancers performing. Classes Begin on Monday September 13th! Contact: Website: … Continue reading Irish Dance
Irish Language ~ Foghlaim Gaeilge
The Group meets Thursday Evenings via Zoom 6:45 beginners | 7:30 intermediate For more information: Cait Thopsey – 203-459-9686 UPCOMING EVENTS LA GAEILGE DAY OF IRISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE The Irish Language class will once again be presenting a La Gaeilge day of Irish Language and Culture on Saturday, Oct. 2, from 9 am … Continue reading Irish Language ~ Foghlaim Gaeilge
Irish Literature Group
The Group will next meet on Thursday, February 20th at 7pm. We will discuss the book What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon. The book combines historical fiction, time travel and romance. We meet at 7pm on Thursday January 16th we’ll be discussing A Musical Memoir of an Irish Immigrant Childhood by Maureen O’Carroll. … Continue reading Irish Literature Group
Shamrock Traditional Irish Music Society (STIMS)
Shamrock Traditional Irish Music Society (STIMS), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of traditional Irish music and culture. STIMS’s all-volunteer performance group The Shamrogues play traditional Irish reels, jigs, hornpipes, and airs on a variety of traditional and modern instruments and song, The meet on Wednesday for Trad Music Seisiún (7-9pm) and … Continue reading Shamrock Traditional Irish Music Society (STIMS)
Seniors Activities
Senior Lunch ~ Thursday June 27th @ noon Please make reservations by Sunday 06/23 Lunch price is $9 members. non-members $11 Shirley McMenamy 203-268-5083;Sally Savage 203-366-4826. Lunch price is $9 members. non-members $11 Please make Reservations by phoning: Shirley McMenamy 203-268-5083; or Sally Savage 203-366-4826. Senior Lunch is generally the last Thursday, of the month at … Continue reading Seniors Activities
Set Dancing
Set dancing HAPPENS eVERY tHURSDAY @ 7PM Have you ever sat and watched a group on Set Dancers circling around and round. They all seem like they are having a grand old time. Then why not join them. Well here’s your chance…Lace up your dance shoes because Set dancing resumes on Thursday Sept. 16th at … Continue reading Set Dancing
Trad Music Session
Enjoy live trad music led by the Shamrogues on Wednesdays from 7-9pm. All musicians are welcomed to sit in on the session. So dust off those instruments, warm up your voice and get energized with Traditional Irish Music.
St. Patrick’s Hurling & Football Club
St. Patrick’s GFC is the fastest growing Gaelic football club in the tri-state area. The club, headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut, was created in 2003 to provide training, instruction, and athletic competition in Ireland’s favorite sport, Gaelic football. Prior to the Club’s inception, children and adults interested in learning or competing in Gaelic football had to … Continue reading St. Patrick’s Hurling & Football Club